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Search Results for "McConnell challenges President to lead on debt"
McConnell challenges President to lead on debt
McConnell Challenges the President to Do 'Something Big' on Debt Reduction
McConnell: Debt solution "unattainable" with Obama in office
McConnell: Debt limit solution 'lies between Speaker McCarthy and the president'
President's Deficit Speech Doesn't Seriously Address the Crushing Debt Burden, McConnell Says
Mitch McConnell offers Democrats a short-term debt limit extension
McConnell: Obama needs to "become the adult"
Sen. McConnell after debt ceiling meeting: the United States won't default on its debt, it never has
Schumer Goes After McConnell For Refusing To Cover 'Trump Debt'
How Mitch McConnell is Threatening the U.S. Economy
CNN: Mitch McConnell: debt ceiling plan is 'smoke and mirrors'
Democrats mull GOP leader Mitch McConnell's short-term debt ceiling fix